Moto-Bot / Dynabot by MC Toy


Moto-Bot, Dynabot, Motorized Robots and the list goes on!

One of the most recognisable, off-brand, transforming robot toys of all time, distributed around the globe for the better part of two decades was largely made up of only seven base models.

A series of 'Mega' models were later added, however by far the first seven (3 wheel bike, steam train, pickup, jeep, camper, fighter jet, dump truck) were the most prolifically distributed.

While the original designer is unclear, they were first distributed by MC Toy with manufacture taking place in China. During the 1980s MC Toy worked under contract with North American based company Inter Recreation to distribute their various lines of diecast, mostly vehicle based toys. After the dissolutions of that relationship and a second with Zee Toys, MC Toy began promotion of their new Maisto branding based in Fontana, California USA.

While the exact nature of global distribution is unclear, controlling company MCG (May Cheong Group) distributed these robot toys under a myriad of different names in more than as many countries, seemingly also licensing the models to local and regional distributors.

Interestingly, MC TOY never distributed these figures under their best known title of 'Moto-Bot' with the MC Toy logo on the packaging, appearing only on the toys themselves. They did however distribute Mega Moto-Bot with the MC Toy branding on the packaging.

See Toy Line History section for far more information.


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Moto-Bot Motors Button
Dynabot Grand Toys Button
DynaBot MC Toy Button
Galaxy Transformer Simba Button
Galaxy Transformer Light + Sound Button
Mega Moto-Bot Intex Button
Mega Moto-Bot Maisto Button
Mega Moto-Bot Light Sound Maisto Button
Mega Moto-Bot MC Toy Button
Mega Moto-Bot MC Toy Button
MegaRobot Light + Sound Imperial Die-Cast Button
Moto-Bot Intex Button
Moto-Bot Maisto Button
Motorized Robo MC Toy Button
Motorized Robot Rainbow Toys
MotoRobot Imperial Die-Cast Button
Mutators Button
Playbots Sound and Design Button
Robo Toys Simba Button
SupeRobot Imperial Die-Cast
Transfo-Robot MC Toy Button
Transfo-Robot Bootlegs Button
Truck + Roboter Dickie Button
Truck Robot Straco Button
Twinkle Mega Moto-Bot MC Toy Button
Twinkle Motorized Robot MC Toy Button
Verwandlung-Robtoter Button
Bootlegs by Gisima Button
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