Herr Fiend - Super Gobots

First released in Japan by Bandai as part of the Machine Robo Series range these larger scale, mostly highly detailed models were quickly added to the US Gobots, EU Robo Machine and AU Machine Men lines.

The Machine Robo Scale Robo, Machine Robo DX and Big Machine Robo lines, loosely became Super Gobots Series 1 and 2 while Series 3 also having been designed in Japan were not released for the Japanese market. Series 3 Super Gobots see the most US / EU variants and as more than half of the series were produced in limited numbers, some very limited they have become very collector desirable.

Additional Details on the Super Gobots Index Page


Region Codes Used: JP Japan / US United States / CA Canada / AU Australia / EU Europe
NOTE: Location codes only shown where items were known to be released. This list is accurate yet likely to be incomplete.


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HERR FIEND - 14.5 cm

Super Gobots Series 1 027 US/CA Tonka (black) 1984
Robo Machine Super Gobots EU Bandai (metallic light blue) 1985
Super Machine Men AU Bandai (unconfirmed colour) 1985*


Machine Robo DX MRDX-03 JP Bandai (flat blue) 1983
Machine Robo DX MRDX-03 JP Bandai (metallic light blue) 1983
DX Robo Machine RMDX-03 EU Bandai (see**) [horizontal box] 1983


DX Robo Machine DX RMDX-03 EU Bandai (light blue) [vertical box colourful] 1983


Robo Machines De Luxe EU Bandai (red with 'Robo Machines' text stickers) Stamped China 1993

Stamping: (list accurate however likely incomplete)

Machine Robo DX (metallic light blue) stamped 'Popy Japan 1983 (c) GK'
Super Gobots (black - release 1) stamped 'Popy Japan 1983 (c) GK'
Super Gobots (black - release 2) stamped 'Popy Japan 1983 (c) GK'
Robo Machines (red) 'Bandai China'

* Herr Fiend is shown as 'Herr-Fiend' with a hyphen in some catalogues showing Super Machine Men. While the Super Machine Men figure guides showed the blue painted Herr Fiend, these guides are often inaccurate and until a boxed example is available the colour remains unconfirmed.

** A DX Robo Machine box in the horizontal photograph format was produced showing the matte blue Japanese release. It's unconfirmed whether only the metallic light blue version was packed in this box or whether the matte blue was ever distributed to Europe in this packaging.

*** This model was named DX Coup on the packaging front and DX Sports Car II in the model listing on the back.


Machine Robo DX / Super Gobots / Robo Machine (DX)

Porsche 928 S Machine Robo DX MRDX-03 Metallic Blue in Box Box for Porsche 928 S Machine Robo DX MRDX-03
Instructions for Porsche 928 S Machine Robo DX MRDX-03


PORSCHE 928S - Blue Version
Machine Robo DX

Porsche 928 S Machine Robo DX MRDX-03 Blue in Box Box for Porsche 928 S Machine Robo DX MRDX-03
Instructions for Porsche 928 S Machine Robo DX MRDX-03


Robo Machines De Luxe

Herr Fiend Red Robo Machines DX Coupe in Robot Mode Herr Fiend Red Robo Machines DX Coupe in Porsche 928S Sport Car Mode
Herr Fiend Red Robo Machines DX Coupe in Box
Box for Herr Fiend Red Robo Machines DX Coupe Instructions for Herr Fiend Red Robo Machines DX Coupe Instrtuctions Sheet for Herr Fiend Red Robo Machines DX Coupe



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