Content Co-Collected and Captured with Screwhead

Gobots Golden 200+ Piece Puzzles

Golden (owned by Western Publishing Company Inc.) released four 200+ piece puzzles in 1985 for the Gobots toy line under license from Tonka.

The box reads, 'Over 200 Full Interlocking Pieces 14" x 18" - 36 cm x 46 cm - Ages 6 to 14'. The puzzle pieces are brightly printed, glossy and well cut.

Details on the box sides are mirrored.


Region Codes Used: US United States
NOTE: Location codes only shown where items were known to be released. This list is accurate yet likely to be incomplete.


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GOLDEN 200+ PIECE PUZZLES - 36 x 46 cm

Cop-Tur Gobots Golden US 1985
Cy-Kill Gobots Golden US 1985
Leader-1 Gobots Golden US 1985
Turbo Gobots Golden US 1985

CREDIT: Puzzle examples kindly supplied by Screwhead.


Gobots Golden 200+ Piece Puzzle

Cop-Tur Gobots Golden 200 Piece Puzzle


Gobots Golden 200 Piece Puzzle

Cy-Kill Gobots Golden 200 Piece Puzzle


Gobots Golden 200 Piece Puzzle

Leader-1 Gobots Golden 200 Piece Puzzle


Gobots Golden 200 Piece Puzzle

Turbo Gobots Golden 200 Piece Puzzle



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