Gobots Convertible Laser Gun by Playtime

Electronic Gun with Two Laser Like Sounds

Playtime Products Inc. created a selection of electronic products for the Gobots toy line.

The unnamed Convertible Laser Gun requires a 9 volt battery to produce two electronic laser gun sounds and a light effect.

Although offering limited articulation in robot mode, it's still a good looking robot and a well designed futuristic handgun with a decent amount of weight due to the diecast upper legs and battery.

Region Codes Used:
US United States  - Location codes only shown where items were known to be released. This list is accurate yet likely to be incomplete. If you are able to confirm release in other regions please get in contact.

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CONVERTIBLE LASER GUN - 21.5 cm tall in bot mode / 29.5 cm long in gun mode

Gobots US Playtime Products Inc 1985


Cerise Co LTD JP 1985

MEGA FIGHTER - 15.5 cm tall in bot mode / 19 cm long in gun mode - Bootleg

Electronic Laser Gun Transformable Robot TGH 1985

The Japanese Cerise release includes the Gobots sticker on the grip with modified text. Cerise regularly released previously distributed products, often at the end of their life expectancy, likely making this an official release vs. a bootleg.

The Mega Fighter bootleg is approximately 2/3 the size of the genuine toy while retaining light and sound features.

Gobots Stamped: (c) 1985 Playtime Products Inc. Made in Korea
Mega Fighter Bootleg Stamped: Made in China



Gobots Convertible Laser Gun in Robot Mode Gobots Convertible Laser Gun in Gun Mode

Gobots Convertible Laser Gun in Box Instructions Sheet for Gobots Convertible Laser Gun



Lazer Gun Robot Cerise Boxed


Electroinic Laser Gun Transformable Robot

Mega Fighter Gobots Convertible Laser Gun Bootleg in Robot Mode Mega Fighter Gobots Convertible Laser Gun Bootleg in Pistol Mode

Mega Fighter Laser Transformable Robot on Card



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