Convert-A-Bots by Village Toys


Convert-a-Bots is a line of shape changing toy robots released by Village Toys, (division of J.Shin Co. Inc.) in the early to mid 80s.

The Convert-A-Bots line is a mixture of previously released toys originally designed and distributed by Yonezawa Corporation, ToyCo and MARK (all in Japan) and what seem to be a number of unique items who's origins are still unclear. While not confirmed, build and design of the unknown origin diecast metal robots is also likely to be by MARK.

Whlie Covert-a-Bots were largely a North American distribution, select items were sold in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and likely other regions. Confusingly, the European Grandstand 'Convertors' line includes some of the same toys as Convert-A-Bots, but is in no way linked to it or to the Select Convertors line.


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