Cpt. Nemo - Convertors

Motorized Defenders

Originally designed by MARK in Japan for their Action Robo line and sold as 'Battleship Robo', MARK also released the model to the West via Select seeing it renamed, 'Cpt. Nemo' for Convertors.

An additional sicker sheet was included with the Japanese version.

Both the MARK and Select releases are identical bar the manufacturing stamp. Early release MARK Action Robo figures show just the MARK stamp while Convertors figures mostly show both MARK and Select. Later MARK figures show both stamps as well suggesting distribution began in Japan prior to the Western releases. Then MARK updated the stamp and going forward used the same figures for both distributions. There is some crossover with the Convertors figures occasionally showing only the MARK stamp. Other examples in the Convertors line strongly indicates both Action Robo and Convertors figures were packaged in the same factory leading to various mix-ups.

See main Convertors index page for more details.


Region Codes Used: JP Japan / US United States / CA Canada / EU Europe / AU Australia
NOTE: Location codes only shown where items were known to be released. This list is accurate yet likely to be incomplete.


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CPT. NEMO - 11.5 cm

Convertors Motorized Defenders US/CA/AU Select 1984


Action Robo JP MARK 1984


Robo Changers EU MARK 1984


Convertors Motorized Defender

Motorized Defender Capt Nemo Green Battleship in Robot Mode Convertors Capt Nemo Green Battleship in Boat Mode

Convertors Capt Nemo on Card Cardback / Backing Card for Capt Nemo



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