Sky Racer - Zybots

Zybots II

Sky Racer was created by REMCO for the Zybots toy line and released under the title, 'Zybots II'.

This three model series focused heavily on each toy having a gimmick to help capture buyer interest.

Sky Racer was packaged with a thin, plastic parachute that can be attached to two small hooks on the robot's hands. In principle the idea of a parachuting robot that turns into a sports car is great. Unfortunately every part of Sky Racer's design lets it down as a good toy. The parachute stings are only held on by small, adhesive tabs, the hand hooks break off easily and the entire robot is made of very brittle plastic. It's no surprise very few loose examples are found intact.

See main Zybots and Bibots index page for more details.


Region Codes Used: US United States
NOTE: Location codes only shown where items were known to be released. This list is accurate yet likely to be incomplete.


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SKY RACER - 10.5 cm (arms down)

Zybots II 13 US Remco 1984

Sky Racer incorrectly shares model number 13 with Rockbuster. See Zybots Release order and Stamping section for details.

Stamped Hong Kong.


Zybots II

Sky Racer in Robot Mode Zybots Sky Racer in Black Sports Car Mode
Zybots Sky Racer with Yellow Parachute
Zybots Yellow Parachute Sky Racer on Card Cardback / Backing Card for Sky Racer



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