Two further chromed colour schemes were released (gold and purple) along with updated stickers.
At this time it's unclear where they were distributed, during what year(s) and what weapons they came with. Due to both gold and purple versions missing the same teeth it's presumed these were likely cast from the original, use degraded moulds.
The side stickers read, 'ROBORACER'* and that may indicate a new toy line name used for re-release. An in package example has not yet been sighted to confirm.
If you have any further details/image examples please do get in contact!
See Ro-Bots main index for more general details.
Region Codes Used: US United States / AU Australia / EU Europe
NOTE: Location codes only shown where items were known to be released. This list is accurate yet likely to be incomplete.
Ro-Bots/Roboracer* Lanard
Model: 1977 Corvette.