'It's a robot, it's a Firebird, it's a Radio'
Toy manufacturer Playtime Products, Inc. created a number of electronic toys for Tonka's Gobots toy line.
While under license and the packaging noting that the trademark Gobots and related character designs are used under agreement, nowhere on the box is the robot given a name.
There's no denying the style is not dissimilar to Series 1 Super Gobots Zeemon (although a different car model) and it seems an odd marketing choice to not tie in this model with that line on some level.
Region Codes Used: US United States - Location codes only shown where items were known to be released. This list is accurate yet likely to be incomplete. If you are able to confirm release in other regions please get in contact.
Gobots US Playtime Products Inc 1985
Playtime Products Inc. Made in Hong Kong
While not yet sighted, a Canadian French/English packaging version was also likely released unless there were conflicts with regional radio frequency product regulations.